This block was the result of a class taken in fall 2011 with Betty Pillsbury. She taught us some very interesting piecing techniques and many tips for working with velvets. Yummm! It still needs a spider for the web. I am not sure where this block will find it's final resting place but I really enjoyed making it.
Hey Deborah, I am in the Crazy Quilt Journal Project on Stitchin Fingers too and I am FROM WISCONSIN TOO!!!!! Other side of the state from you tho. I am in SW Wisconsin, Barneveld if you know where that is. Nice to meet you. we should keep in touch. :) Did you get snow today? we got a little bit, not enough to amount to much tho. :) Nice to meet you. BTW, love your crazy quilt blocks too. :) justjeannej@gmail.com